
Working with Lisa Okochi and her teachings of Gendo Reiki has strengthened my connection with my higher-self and assisted me in removing my past judgmental self to approach situations from a more balanced center, a non-duality point-of-view. While going through each level, my friends, co-workers immediately began to notice a new brightness in my face and a slightly softer pitch in my voice tone. In my career, I help people on a daily basis and I’ve noticed since working with Lisa my conversations with clients have become deeper which has helped me find a stronger solution to their problems and needs.
Alex S. Publicist,
When I first started GR. I was in a dark place grieving the loss of my sister. I was hopeless and defeated. I remember the first session all I could do was cry. And when I was taught to cut the cords it was life changing. I started the healing process. I was able to re-invent my business and ensure I set boundaries between my staff and clients I served. I used it to help the babies I treated to stop crying and begin to heal the pain and discomfort they were feeling but couldn’t express. My family and I started shifting. We argued less and loved more. My husband was calm and my daughter was in such good spirits. The physical pain I felt in my knees that almost crippled me some days improved drastically. My manifestation started to emerge right before my eyes. GR has truly helped improve my family and work life. As well as overall health and self healing. I shall forever be grateful to the support and assistance Lisa provided me. I am truly thankful from the bottom of my heart. May your dreams and wishes come true right before your eyes. Thanks again. It had been life changing your a natural healer.
Jessica F,
Daycare owner
I noticed that a constriction around my heart has eased up a lot since I’ve been doing the attunements. I used to always carry around the tightness around my chest and I’ve noticed the last two weeks I haven’t been feeling it. I feel clearer and calmer these days.
I met Lisa by noticing a flyer posted in my building advertising her services which was for Reiki healing.. It took a while for me to contact Lisa because of my uncertainty, whether what I was experiencing could be helped with Reiki. The year was 2011. At the time, I was suffering from a deep depression after the death of my beloved husband, and I knew that I could not go on with what I was experiencing and feeling. I contacted Lisa and she helped me tremendously and after a few sessions I started feeling that the Reiki was healing me and after a few more sessions I could feel my transitioning from the darkness inside of me to feeling this bright white light energizing me, and when I got home I just knew that I was feeling like a new person, and can honestly say that to this day, I have never felt better. Thank you Lisa!!!.
Linda H,
Education Administration

Book Trailer

Difference between meditation and Gendo is: Meditation is solitary and need to be present . Gendo Reiki is about learning to be present to LISTEN