Gendo Reiki

The Art of Self Honor

It may be safe to say many of us are being highly tested in our abilities to stay calm like never before in these uncertain times and the restrictions placed on our lives is forcing us to look for ways to deal with the intense stress it causes.

Gendo Reiki (geh n doh Ray kee), is a new hybrid healing system using an ancient form of healing energy that re-aligns your internal and external imbalances. The purpose is to clear emotional blockages and mental stress at a deep therapeutic level so that you are able to stay grounded and have more clarity in decisions you make and more awareness of where you need to create boundaries that uphold your values.

This Healing is beneficial for:


The Gendo reiki healing technique is a series of 12 levels of 1 hour sessions where the Practitioner attunes groups or individuals to higher frequencies of energy to balance out the vibrational energy within you. The feelings of being stuck is a typical sign you are energetically blocked up inside. This method is very timely in that it is non touch and it can be done remotely . Whether you are physically present or not, the results are equally powerful as energy travels through space. So that means you can experience this healing while in another room or location.

How this works will be explained in the sessions and in the course book but all one needs is a quiet room and chairs although those who are tired or in pain can be lying down. If the client or group is physically in the same room with the Practitioner, everyone would be 6 feet apart with the guide sitting in the front. It looks like we are meditating but in fact it’s much simpler. It is a bio-chemical exchange that can bring great relief for most stress factors.

It is not a cure but it brings you to a state of balance that can then help your immune system to recover. We look forward to facilitating your life to be less stressful and happier!

To see the course program click here

To read more about the science behind healing click here

To get a free 15 minute consultation, click here